Does your company suddenly have a profitable yet urgent order? Need additional staff for temporary work? No time to search for and hire employees? In any such situation, staff leasing can help solve the arising problems. The benefits of this solution are clear:

  • Your company utilizes the services of qualified specialists for precisely the amount of time needed to address the production task at hand;
  • You save time by not having to search for and recruit personnel;
  • No additional burden on the HR and accounting departments regarding personnel records and payroll for temporary employees;
  • The staffing schedule remains unchanged, and tax deductions are not affected;
  • All issues related to providing temporary staff with work clothes, tools, etc., are handled by the leasing company;
  • In case of an employee’s illness, the leasing company will independently find a replacement, ensuring that the production process continues uninterrupted.

Leasing staff from Baltic Job Service OÜ allows you to delegate numerous HR issues and focus on your business objectives.

Order the service right now!

  • To get started, simply fill out the straightforward application form on our website. One of our specialists will reach out to you within 24 hours.
  • For a more accurate price quote, we recommend attaching photos and a description of the property.
